OUTPOST PROJECT Art from the Streets

This years sees one of the most significant street art events occur in Australia happen in Sydney. OUTPOST PROJECT Art from the Streets. is running from the 4 November to the 11th of December and takes over Cockatoo Island.

I will be heading down to check this awesome event out as well as attend the announcement of the winner of the 2011 Australian Stencil Art Prize of which I am a Finalist with my piece Steam Punksnot Dead

Expect to see crap loads of images and interview posted in the next couple of weeks as well as features in our new Magazine Blank Canvas (Clock the link to the right)

So anyways below is some info on the OUTPOST PROJECT and some highlights. 


Cockatoo Island's vast abandoned factories and intriguing forgotten alleyways are the perfect backdrop for projects showcasing the energy and diversity of Street Art. With OUTPOST PROJECT, visitors will be able to see a huge range of Street Art in one location. And because of its dynamic and live nature, the art will change and evolve, giving visitors something different to see throughout the course of the festival.


Cockatoo Island
Here are the two events at Outpost that I am participating in. For more Awesome Exhibitions and info on featured artists go to the the website www.cockatooisland.gov.au  and join the mailing list to get regular what's on updates, news and special offers.

Australia Stencil Art Prize  2011 Finalist - Steam Punksnot Dead by Obscene 
Now in its 3rd year, the Australian Stencil Art Prize aims to recognise and reward Australian stencil artists. The Prize grew out of discussions about the calibre of stencil art in Sydney's Innerwest and a desire to see more of it. 
The Australian Stencil Art Prize attracts emerging and established stencil artists and receives international attention. The winner takes home a $2000 cash prize. For more information visit: http://www.australianstencilartprize.com

Paste Modernism 3 Flyer


Paste Modernism is the largest celebration of the medium of 'paste-ups' in Australia, and is now presented again for the 3rd time at OUTPOST PROJECT on Cockatoo Island. Throughout its inception it has found residence in staples of the Sydney art scene, starting initially with the artist run residence Hibernia House in a guerilla exhibition, and finally graduating to the heritage walls of Cockatoo Island. Every available inch of over 300 square meters of wall space will be covered with the pasted artworks of over 100 local and international artists.
Obscene SkullEelz for Paste Modernism 3

The 'Paste-Up' is an ever-expanding and innovative form of street art, that involves an artist making their work onto varying sizes of paper and then applying it to walls and surfaces within their urban environment using wheat-paste or wallpaper glue. Whether as black and white multiplied photocopies, colourful hand painted murals or thought provoking text pieces, the 'Paste-Up' is an immediate and bold contemporary art-form. 

Paste Modernism Progress shots
Obscene muscleman Paste Up
The medium explores not only aesthetic values, but is often politically and socially motivated - which allows experimentation both by accomplished artists as well as people with little or no artistic training. With all other street art genres, a hierarchy is in place based usually on the skill and years of training and practice of each artist (aerosol-can control/complexity of a stencil etc). Most 'Paste-Up' artists also have years of experience, creating intricate and well-planned artworks - however anybody right now, could find a photograph or jpeg that resonates with them, take it to a digital printer and with relatively little expense, print it out in wallpaper width paper sheets and put it up on the streets.

Paste Modernism Progress
Curated by Ben Frost, Paste Modernism 3 includes artists such as: Pure Evil, Copyright, Dan Baldwin, Anthony Lister, Drab, Urban Cake Lady, Heesco, Bei Badgirl, Houl, Creon, John Doe, Simon Lovelace, RJ, Mats?!, Bridge Stehli, Esjay, Anton Benois, Numskull, Bennett, Vexta, Tez, Bunkwaa, Jumbo, Zap, Skel, HA-HA, SMC, 1337, Obscene, Felix, Konsume Terror, Pigeonboy, Vars, Aelhra, Qwux and more.

For more info go to www.pastemodernism.com

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